ДИЧЬ - community & life style
Also known as Battle RAGE
Russian Ancient Games and Entertainment
About our mission
To become such Human one needs to exercise in three dimensions: physical, spiritual and cultural. That is the reason why our trainings are divided in three directions:

Folk games
develop the sense of support, appear to be good exercise, and familiarize with the legacy of our ancestors, which in turn helps to better understand the history of the country

Tea parties

let us discuss historical and intercultural problems, sing folk and contemporary songs and learn something new

Martial trainings
allow to develop body and soul, as well as improve the chance to stand up for yourself and what is valuable for you

People - the main part of our club. We are united under one ideology "Be worthy to be the Human"

Oleg Bulichev
Init committer and actual leader of the club. The leader of the club. Has the CMS status in Karate, practiced Taekwondo, Jiu-Jitsu, Slavic martial arts. All of these skills and achievements help to lead the club
Who makes it happen
  • Boris Guryev
    Content dealer
  • Bogdan Fedotov
    Left hand of CEO
  • Vladimir Scherba
    Right hand of CEO
  • Farhad Khakimov
    Language expert
We are waiting you!
Our contacts:
E-mail: innodich@yandex.ru
Telegram: @br_clubs
Be worthy
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