Yes, you can apply for a refund if you participated in the events outside IU (conferences, hackathons, olympiads and etc.) via in the section Financial Request for Support.
❓Is there a deadline for an application?
You can apply before the event or after, but no later than 1 month after the end date of the event.
❓How to apply?
1. You will need to fill in the application form, indicating all information about the event and expenses (the status of the application should be "on review") and wait for the decision of the committee on your application (the status of the application will change to "approved" or "canceled")
2. If your application is approved, you will need to provide the documents after the event, that confirm your expenses.
❓ What expenses can be submitted for approval?
- transport expenses
- accommodation expenses
- the cost of complex meals included in the program of the event
- registration fee
❓What documents do I have to provide for compensation?
1. transport expenses:
- train or bus (tickets, statement from the personal account on payment of the ticket)
- air travel (itinerary receipts, originals of a boarding pass or certificate from the airline about the completed flight)
- taxi, only if you traveled between 11pm to 6am (screenshot about a trip with indicated route and price, statement from the personal account on payment)
2. accommodation:
- original receipt of rent payment indicating the hotel / hostel, date of accommodation, price, and full name of the tenant
- statement from the personal account on payment
- scan of tenancy agreement
3. complex meals:
- receipts for payment of complex meals included in the program of the event
- statement from the personal account of bank on payment
❗️We only compensate the expenses made by the students themselves, the expenses made by third parties are not compensated
❗️ For compensation, ONLY a complete printed set of documents is accepted
❗️ The decision is made for each participant individually based on marks, disciplinary comments and other factors.