Student Club Leaders
Responsibilities, opportunities & rewards
  • Club Leader's Reward
    Club leader is eligible to apply for innopoints for successful club leadership in the end of every semester via corresponding project card on Innopoints Website.
  • Regular Schedule
    If you require resources for your club's regular meetings (i.e. room, projector, sports hall), whether it's IU building or Sport Complex, please handle it with @dyuzhakovajane
  • Club Guest Passes
    If your club is based at IU main building and some of your club members require access to it, please text @dyuzhakovajane to make a pass for your club's guests.
  • Club League Criteria
    Student Club League helps us to define most active and succesfull clubs. Every month we collect data about student clubs performance by sending out monthly report form to Club Leaders' chat. Club League criteria are available here.
  • Clubs' budgets
    Clubs are entintled to semestral budget according to their position in Club League. New clubs have no budget for the first semester of their existence. If your club is short on money, you can negotiate with clubs who have more wealth. Budgets are renewed every semester. Unspent sums are not retained for the next semester.
  • Sport hours
    Sport clubs can mark attendance via Sports Portal to give students sports hours. New clubs aren't giving sport hours for the first semester of their existence. You have to get accreditation to be able to give sport hours. For more info please text @loban4.
  • Higher Scholarship
    Club leaders are able to earn points to qualify for higher scholarship. For that you have to hit top 20 clubs in the league. Moreover, leaders of top 3 clubs are able to nominate 3 other active members for such points.
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