Open Series of Workshops on
"7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
Join exploring one of the greatest self-help books of all time by Stephen Covey
Brief contents
In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, author Stephen R. Covey presents a holistic, integrated, principle-centered approach for solving personal and professional problems. Before you can adopt the seven habits, you'll need to accomplish what Covey calls a "paradigm shift"- a change in perception and interpretation of how the world works. Covey takes you through this change, which affects how you view productivity, time management, prioritization, developing your "proactive muscles", and much more. This isn't a quick-tips-start-tomorrow kind of book. The concepts are sometimes quite intricate, so we invite you to study the Seven Habits together at the workshops where everyone can contribute.
Workshop program & participants
The introduction meeting will happen on Friday, 20 March, at 16:00. Further discussions will be held in March-April, and will be led by you, participants of the workshop.
  • Introduction, character ethics, inside-out paradigm, territory & map concept
    Andrejs Blakunovs
    Student Affairs Office
  • Workshop participants will be given 7-10 days to recap Habit 1. Individual / group display.
    Innopolis University students
  • Workshop participants will be given 7-10 days to recap Habit 2. Individual / group display.
    Innopolis University students
  • Workshop participants will be given 7-10 days to recap Habit 3. Individual / group display.
    Innopolis University students
  • Workshop participants will be given 7-10 days to recap Habit 4. Individual / group display.
    Innopolis University students
  • Workshop participants will be given 7-10 days to recap Habit 5. Individual / group display.
    Innopolis University students
  • Workshop participants will be given 7-10 days to recap Habit 6. Individual / group display.
    Innopolis University students
  • Workshop participants will be given 7-10 days to recap Habit 7. Individual / group display.
    Innopolis University students
Why bother?
  • Paramount insights
    The book will unfold fresh ways and new perceptions to improve your personal and professional effectiveness, as well as will help you to enjoy your life even more!
  • Public speaking & leadership
    You will be preparing little classes to highlight main bits from the allocated chapter - that will boost your confidence and ability speak out in public.
  • Educator's experience
    Teaching is the best way to learn. One the top of that, you will add valuable experience in organizing an educational content to present it to your colleagues.
  • Create your community
    These workshops are a platform for you to create your community of like-minded people who will continue scrutinizing best books and adopting great ideas.
Sign up for the open Series of Workshops on
"7 Habits of Highly Effective People"
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